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Showing posts from January, 2019

Euclid Was Wrong

Everett Polinski and new IIT associate mathematician Aretari Polinski announce their latest discovery today. Through an infinite progression of right triangles and related manipulations, Aretari excitedly declares today that he has found a geometric proof that 1=2! Although this upends much of modern logic and thinking in general, embarrassing mathematics as a science, Aretari calls this in particular the undoing of Euclid, saying bluntly "Euclid was wrong". Aretari Polinski working on new ice-resistant spark plugs for our IIT fleet Local professor Dr. Henry Zepeda could not be reached for comment at press time, but expect to hear more news soon about this idea that 1=2. Most commentators express disbelief but for IIT, we plan to take this new discovery and put it at the core of our business. Thanks to Aretari's discovery we plan to double our profit next year while halving our fees. Stay connected to hear more about Aretari's groundbreaking work.

Terror All Around: The Poetic Rose Versus the Disco Bouncers

The army of WCC in JPM's 2019 Wyominad movie Dr. Baxter’s epic, The Wyominad, is primarily read in light of its treatment of the revolutionary days of Wyoming Catholic College in the external battle between the Wyoming I.R.A. and the Antifa/NOLS front. In the time frame Baxter covers, this was of course`the primary conflict, but less noticed, although intricately woven into his epic work, is another internal conflict, where confusion and differences brought nearly violent and unnecessary altercation. Although ultimately resolved, that this philosophical struggle occurred between the “poetic rose thinkers” and the “disco bouncers” gives the epicness to the struggle whereby only divine influence and unity, as was brought by the reconciliation of Andrew and Janelle could unify the school in time to defend it from external attack. Events had already begun to unfold to this moment when the fates deemed Janelle and Andrew Russell by varying circumstances to be part of the Class of...

Welcoming New Leaders: Everard Polinski

I'd like to officially welcome my brother Everard Polinski,  to I.I.T. Everard brings years of metalhead experience to the growing Irkutsk Ice Truckers family of businesses. At Irkutsk we're all about making sure you experience that raw terror and feeling of metal with every transaction and I'm sure Everard will enhance many of our customer's experiences for years to come. Everard in his natural habitat Everard will be a regular contributor to  and as both chief financial officer and a metalhead engineer for IIT Inc. he will expand our entertainment and sales operations as we transition to become a multi-tiered international corporation. We hope to announce some more exciting developments over the next few weeks, but for now thank you for loyalty, business, and friendship. Rock on, Everett P.

Sleep Free Semester

Professor Patton (center) teaching two patients Did you know that I.I.T. has a scientific research division? Well, if you didn't, keep reading. Our very own Professor Cyril Patton has made incredible discoveries in health and medicine and has a message for everyone but particularly college students and similar people. After years of intense research on very-willing test subjects Professor Patton has discovered that general health, mood, energy, and metalhead life skills are perfected by ... get this: not sleeping! A surprise? Not to Patton who has been living this lifestyle for years already. To improve results even better, Patton suggests to add a heavy nutritional dose of coffee to one's daily routine. "Energy levels, test scores, game scores, ability to scream, it all improves when you just skip sleep" explains Patton. To that end and to improve the lives of our employees and customers IIT is declaring this to be a sleep-free semester to ra...

Dating Assistance Services

World renowned religious leader Andrew R. is now an IIT affiliate with his organization, Tree of Life. He now offers free dating advice along with his religious work and is available for contact now at Rings, proposals, etc., learn about it all from a serial dater, who unlike another, shows its not really that hard. A famed cult leader, Andrew now has around ten members (some fractions may affect this number which changes by the day) and is ready to help you with your cult as long as you show allegiance to him as the ultimate god. Here is a sample of the teachings of Andrew He also teaches philosophy to any interested parties. Learn the true progression of life, birds, trees, worms, and spike and how each relates to time spent sleeping.

Tangent Elimination

It began at TAC and is now spreading here. The world renowned charity How to Shut Down Tangents (HSDT) has begun operating at WCC. Sponsored by Irkutsk Ice Truckers, HSDT will offer premiumly crafted service to WCC students angry that a class discussion is getting out of hand. Watch here for a demonstration of how the organization we sponsor will work: We plan a particular focus on the brute force technique demonstrated in this video. To join HSDT write to

Freshman Dance

Irkutsk Ice Truckers is now the official sponsor of the WCC Class of 2022 Freshman Dance. Mark you calendars February 2 for a cowboys, aliens, and gangsters themed extravaganza. IIT representatives will be present to answer your questions about our work and explain opportunities with our company. Watch for our grand performance launching our entertainment division with the  Chinese Clam Latin Rapper Cosacia, and our very own Crispus giving demonstrations of pure bravery and skill in an IIT professional vehicle. Let the Christendom party begin!

Tetonic Blast

Part 1 of Tetonic Blast our new video series, is now available. Only available on Watch today to discover the true story of WCCLE V, the new epic drama of society, faith, cults, gangs, terror, fear, lost in the tectonically active wilderness. Rated PG-13 for violent portrayals of catastrophe of what actually happened. Trailer Full Video (Part I)

Mass Pass

Announcing our newest offering specifically for WCC students, the MASS PASS! Ever had trouble trying to find a seat on the Mass shuttles after a busy morning of classes? Well, that trouble will soon be over when you buy the Mass Pass, a guaranteed seat on the van shuttles. Only $5 a month and a free three day trial. Contact us today, and don't arrive late to Mass.  Frassati Table Reservations, classroom seating and dorm room rental services coming soon....!

Death Metalhead Ice Truckers: Our first songs

Irkutsk Ice Truckers plans to launch its next major business venture soon, the first album of its new band, Death Metalhead Ice Truckers. Here's a sneak preview at some of the songs you might see on the completed work. Not Not-i-cin So here they come what do you think? See what I’ve been not no-ti-cin A and B, X and Y, what do you think? Have you noticed? I’m so great at not no-tic-in At the pew, in the car, in the same group, Studying, quote studying, eating, talking See them, hear them, but don’t you notice We’re so great at noticin Fall If you feel like fallin, FALL If you feel, fall Don’t think -  just fall Here you come - fall Just, fall, fall, fall, and FALL Bonneville’s a comin, here’s a tree, Ya dunt know what yore doin, Ya don’t know why yur here So just fall, fall, fall Ride the big spirit and show off to yus prospect Unbridled confidence is what I’m made of So I’m comin - oh yeah I’m comin I’m comin and ...

Terrorism: A Philosophical Reflection

The 9/12 incident that destroyed much of Sinks Canyon and ravaged the southside of Lander last year rests deeply within our memories. We as a school, a nation, have not truly yet come to grips with the horrors that befell us that day, nor do many of us know those truly to blame for what happened, let alone their motivation. Some rest it on the newly founded the Wyoming I.R.A., some blame the Class of 2017 in rebellion against the school rulebook, others are suspicious of a possible Christendom connection, angered as they are at us revealing the truth of their widespread corruption. Is there a way to even know as the government hides the true details behind a cloak of secrecy, the Dr. Olsson and the NSA are investigating line, we believe it was neo-nazi sympathizers argument? And if we ever reach the who, then why. Come to think of it, what actually happened? September 12, 2017 was of course near the beginning of the Class of 2021’s time here at W.C.C. Having just returned from C.O.R....

Hermes as the First Cowboy

The Greek Iliad which was written by Homer, a Greek person, an ancient Greek person, a long time ago, in a country far, far away. The Iliad was written by Homer, a Greek person from Greece. Many people like his book the Iliad, even though it is like dude, super old. Hermes is a major character in the well-appreciated Iliad, a sort of Greek Santas Claus, but is an evil variation on the idea, as Blaise Galbraith believes in his new book, Metalheads and the Greek Consciousness, where he recounts the popular song of Hermes, “He leads you when you’re sleeping… / He leads when you’re awake / He leads when you’ve been bad and very bad… / So be bad for Zeus’s sake.” Hermes “leading” people at all times, obviously from this passage leads them to big, bad things, and along with the influence of Akilyus and Agamoron, are part of the top ten reasons why Greece is so messed up in the Iliad. Hermes first appears in Book LXI of the Iliad with the words, “We’re chumming with transcendent deity! He is ...

Jacob is a Bad Dude

As we all know, Jacob of the Bible book Genesis is like Agamoranan. Agamoran and Akillyvus get in some big fight over Akillyus’ slave and Akillyus, who I may also randomly call I’ll kill them all, gets vewy angry. He says, “I taught I taw a tutty Aggymon and he gets worstly angry and runs off the battle, running like he’s a bit angered, but really very angry, as his anger is all about stewing in being meanly hateful. He runs off to his big empty, cold, and dark ships. Jacob is similar to the bad dude Agamoran that made the happy Akillyus a bad dude; he runs around the Middle East and doesn’t cry, but fights God, well sort of, and he stole his father’s blessing by taking advantage of his poor nice brother Esau who was so hungry that he would take anything he could to get and Jacob thus cheated his “ogre” brother Esau, kicking aside all the cars in Esau’s backyard and throwing some red-red at him. Overall, I’ll say it again, and this time I’ll scream it, just to make sure you’re listeni...

Let’s Start a War - Ten Geological Layers in Sinks Canyon

Sinks Canyon, located in the Milky Way Galaxy, around a star named the Sun, on a planet called Earth, in a country called the United States of ‘Merca, in the state of Wyoming, seven miles from the town of Lander, is a canyon. It looks like a canyon, and because it does, it is a canyon. Filled with rocks, it lets you see the ten layers of rock that quantify and example the past ten trillion years of Earth history. Sinks Canyon’s first or lowest layer is the foundation cement made out of Neptunian concrete and laid down approximately ten trillion years ago. No one can drill down below this layer because it identifies as a federally protected bird species, so it is not known what lies beneath. Above this layer of rock concrete is a layer of rubble about three inches thick from when Troy was built thousands of years and destroyed by the evil Greeks here. The atomic bomb set off by Odysseus that ultimately leveled Troy leveled the topography of the area so much that a tidal wave s...

Buisness Updates

One of our extremely pleased customers is now operational and our business now has a theme  song . We are still in the process of selecting our world-class board of directors and our news coverage launches alongside other business updates here on this site. Send news tips to or contact us there for any questions or comments.