WCC's new Dean, Professor Washut, has a strange and storied history, as is just now being revealed. Apparently as this recently uncovered photo demonstrates he has a secret military past. But why, and why has this not yet been known publically?
Discovered on the floor of his office during his lengthy absence last month, the image that prompts these questions offers itself few answers. The uniform is intriguing, offering no clues to any known nationality of his service. His smile seems out of place unless he is on a drill of some sort. A silver watch is visible on his left arm, one appearing very much like one he currently wears, leading some to believe that this picture is very recent. Similarly, IIT supercomputer analysis of his facial features giving a possible maximum age of two years for this photograph.
But could this be possible? Professor Washut has been teaching here for years, with no evidence that he was ever gone long enough to host even the briefest of military careers. And this leaves one of the most outrageous suggestions as the only option, that Washut secretly joined either some military or paramilitary group during his absence predicated upon his wife's sickness.
What is really up?
Does anyone really know their professor?
Write to us at everett.polinski@irkutskicetruckers.com if you have any tips behind this photo or what's really going on.
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