New Technology is Bringing Valuable Information to Assist the WCC Dating Office in Reducing Pseudo-Dating Rates |
With dating having recently become official in three new couples over the past week, the Freshmen Rockers have just reached parity with the current Sophomore class at this point last year. However, unexpectedly the percentage of this that is pseudo-dating is 24% lower than the equivalent statistic of the Sophomores this week last year. "The dating scene is really heating up for the Class of 2022," says WCC Chief Dating Officer Kathleen Milligan, "but we're more impressed with the numbers beneath the surface than with the headline statistic.
She is talking about the Pseudo-Dating ratio, which having been particularly high among the current sophomores at 35/100 relationships is only near around 27/100 this year among freshmen relationships. "I'm very pleased with the efforts of all the ruling class at the Student Life office this year to make better relationships happen," Kathleen commented. "There must have been something wrong with the sophomores, even as they say they have a lot to say about the freshmen, but with our improvements to the dating talks and a more hands-on approach to relationships, we're pleased to see that pseudo-dating is on a downward trend."
The long term goal for WCC, the office states in its mission statement is to reach and exceed Christendom College levels of relationships. "We might reach our goal sooner than we expected" says Kathleen's assistant in student matching - Bruce - "We want to make sure every freshman is paired up by the time they get back from the winter trip and we're well on the way to getting there by the Class of 2024's time."
New cameras installed in Frassati Hall are aiding in this development, enabling Kathleen and Bruce to keep better statistical data on current relationships and track the progress of their current projects in real time. "So, because we succeed here, we'll install them in Baldwin to, and make sure we don't miss anybody."
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